The longer I am in this business, or any business for that matter, the more often I am reminded we assume everyone knows what we know. Such as hiring a Groundskeeper and finding out later he did not understand what a pitchfork was. Or starting a high school student employee and realizing they only have one speed, which is not my speed. Let’s look at all the new campers that roll in each day. Sure, we take them to their site, but then they look at you with those pleading eyes and panicked looks, hoping you will park that camper for them. If you own an RV or trailer, you know that the stress level in those next 15 minutes is high, especially when there are kids and animals in the vehicle. We often try to go the extra mile and ensure they get parked in their spot. But when you need to show them what side of the RV is their picnic area and how to connect their utilities, that takes a little extra time. We try to remember that they might be our future guests for years and are firm believers in the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
This Article is titled Resolutions. You may be wondering, what does this have to do with Resolutions? We all know that getting a quick fix or answer is not always helpful when owning a business. Much like yearly Resolutions that we might make on January 1st, some fizzle out by the end of January or the first week of February, and others dwindle out just after that. Resolutions take endurance and a strong will to complete.
What does a resolution mean for you? The Resolutions that I am talking about are those that you, as owners, bring forth to the Owners Association to create discussions and answers to problems for our businesses. When you are in the camp office on K2, and something is not working, you try to find out why and think, “KOA should really do this to help me out.” That is the beginning of a Resolution – and that’s when you should write it down for further discussion with other owners or KOA. Next, as the year progresses, and you have asked in Yellow Pride or called the home office for help and didn’t get a response to your liking – or no response at all – that is an opportunity to present a Resolution. We now have over 200 members who are strong and growing.
At the convention, attend the Area Meetings, where Resolutions are discussed to determine if it/they should be presented to the OA Board of Directors. If your Area and peers approve, the Resolution then moves to the OA Board for approval. Keep in mind the Board and our Executive Director keep records on all resolutions and may have reasons why specific Resolutions may not be presented to KOA. Once the Board has approved a Resolution, it is submitted and reviewed at a meeting with KOA for open discussions. KOA, Inc. then reviews the Resolutions with the appropriate staff at the home office. As time goes by, the OA will continue to request updates and responses from KOA. Unfortunately, some resolutions have taken years to resolve, some they say “no” to, some Resolutions get brought up repeatedly, and others are rewritten with updated language. Just a note here, we sometimes forget KOA also has their KOA campgrounds (OAK properties) to operate, so when they take the time to review the Franchisees’ concerns, a response also affects the corporate parks.
Merchandising – specifically yellow shirts with Graphic Imprints:
To say that our committee chairs have spent the past six years and many hours on this Resolution is not an exaggeration. One of the previous liaisons with KOA explained in detail that the KOA yellow color makes it exceedingly difficult to change the vendor. The latest Resolution was for KOA to offer a second vendor so that we have other choices. Per your agreement with KOA, we must wear a KOA uniform. It’s unclear that said uniform needs to be provided by an approved vendor. If so, our next step would be for the OA to get a second vendor approved, matching the same required shirt quality as we receive from Graphic Imprints. Unfortunately, KOA has not taken the franchisees’ concerns on this issue seriously, securing a second vendor to offer more competition or deal with issues we have with Graphic Imprints. I believe several of you get your shirts from different vendors, and it’s too bad that it has come to that.
The ongoing Cancellations Policy is the other Resolution that has been around for over six years. Well, actually, there is no longer a KOA Cancellations Policy but rather a guideline. I offer the following on this Resolution; It’s another open Resolution and is still “being reviewed,” according to KOA. When KOA changed this policy to the word “guideline,” it opened the door for many opinions. Even though it offers our campground owners flexibility, it also brings us unwanted pressure for a refund from the guest. I believe that since KOA has not done anything with this for years, perhaps that is the only answer we will get on this matter. These are just a couple of examples of ongoing and open Resolutions between KOA, Inc. and the
Don’t stop bringing them in, as I believe it helps remind KOA that there will always be items that need to be reviewed and discussed. Don’t be afraid to speak up – All your voices are important! In the end, I believe that KOA is always willing to listen to us as owners, and the more we can work together with them through the OA, the better off all our owners will be!
Respectfully Submitted,
Timothy Cartmell
Honesdale / Poconos KOA, OA Board President